Thursday, April 30, 2009

Banning Steroids

As some of us know he body produces steroids naturally to support such functions as fighting stress and promoting growth and development. But some people use steroid pills, gels, creams, or injections because they think steroids can improve their sports performance or the way they look. Steroids tend to cause different types of problems. Some of the more serious or long lasting side effects, for example are premature balding or hair loss, dizziness, mood swings, aggression, and depression, having delusions, extreme feelings of mistrust or fear (paranoia), problems sleeping, greater chance of injuring muscles and tendons and many more. What makes steroid use to bad is that professional athletes have been regarded as heroes and role models for as long as there have been competitions. So these athletes have to be able to accept the status and responsibility, whether they want the role or not. Steroids are known to be an attractive drug with risky effects that many people who even use them do not realize the danger consequences steroids can have on their bodies and their minds. Steroids have caused an insignificant number of deaths in our society and that is one of the many reasons why steroids should be banned. Another reason is for the simple fact that steroids have tons of side effects that are not known to the uninformed user. Addiction is huge when it comes to steroid use and becoming addicted cause eventually lead to bigger problems, such as people may lose interest in friends and family because their concentration is on their physique and athletic improvements. Steroids use has been known to cause “roid rages” and that is when out of nowhere the user starts using spontaneous acts of violence and abuse towards anyone a user comes in contact with. That is something our society does not need to deal with. I feel that because a good amount of professional athletes take steroids, then a numerous number of high school students will be kicking the thought around themselves. Instead of people listening to what is being said and the use of them needs to be taught as a lesson for the younger people. Banning steroids would not only help the people who are currently abusing them, but also it helps control the spread of steroid addiction in society.

Gay Marriage

As far as my opinion I still feel that gay marriage is a decision people make on their own. Each individual will take their own path in life. Every person is different and unique in their own way so what if they find the same sex attractive. No matter where that path my lead to someone people will be alone and others will be in a loving relationship. Love has so many twist and turn and shapes and colors that it is not finite. People should start pondering on their own choices they make for themselves and at least try to understand the choices that other people decide to choose. I feel that every individual has their own right to live as they choose and with who they prefer to live with. No need for "discrimination" against same sex couples. Marriage is a basic human right and an individual personal choice and the government should not have the authority to have a say in who someone wants to marry and share fully an equally in the rights, responsibilities and commitment of civil marriage. Gay people deserve the same rights to marry as everyone else does. Honestly, if marriage mean everything; it means absolutely nothing. It will mean nothing to the same-sex as well as to the opposite-sex couples. Let me people live how they want to live and we all be happy!


If Marijuana was legal could you image how the world would be? Cannabis is a commonly used drug throughout the world. A report stated that in 2004 about 162 million people were using cannabis. In fact, it is known that so many people in the world use marijuana and more than 97 million Americans have admitted to trying it. Reasons for why Marijuana should be legal is that for one the war on drugs would come to an end, because not only does it cost millions of dollars but it also does a lot of damage and it really does not have much effect on either the supply or the demand for drugs. Also stopping this war on drugs would allow for many of good things to happen, for example, government could regain control of the production, distribution, and the sale of drugs. Could guarantee the purity and labeling of the product, while also regulating the place, time and even condition in which the drug is being sold. Could have an set age limit as like the U.S. does for tobacco and alcohol. Marijuana is known to be better for someone to use then for someone to use tobacco or drink alcohol and there have been no cases of someone becoming addicted to the use of marijuana. Also the government could control the producers say about their own product. Many people feel that if marijuana was to become legal the crime rate will reduce, the spread of disease would be prevented, improvement within the inner cities way of living and taxpayers could save some money, considering that over $20 billion is spent each year on drug enforcement alone.
Society would change dramatically if marijuana was to be legal. I feel the change would benefit the U.S. and possibly make it better place then it already is. International organizations could increase their business and allow for greater benefits. The gang wars and street violence would reduce to what I feel its lowest point that society has seen and government would not have to deal with as much as they do now. Once you really think about it and consider all the pros and cons the war on drugs had done very little to reduce narcotic use in the U.S. as it is so legalizing would have a huge impact on the world benefiting both individual and society as a whole.


Abortion is a true way of killing an innocent unborn child. Although women have the right to choose whether or not they would like to have abortion I still find it wrong in some cases. Women that have abortions for the reason such as they don’t want to have the responsibilities of parenthood and family life, the concern for or responsibility to other individuals, they cannot afford a child and/ or that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are have problems with their husband or partner. Even situations where the women had been raped I feel have every right to have an abortion for the sake of helping that child’s life and even their own. Researchers say that nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion. Also, twenty-two percent of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States as approximately 1.3 million abortions performed each year. Fifty percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25. Many people consider themselves pro-life, which are mainly people that are diverse in economic status, race, religion, and education. Yet, they are unified by the concept that all humans, especially the innocent unborn, have an inherent right to life or pro-choice and they are the people that feel the fetus is not a human, just a mass of tissue. I would say I am more towards the pro-life but I feel that depending on certain situations that the women may have gone through; it is still up to her to decide. However, many of us have heard of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court case where it created a new, basic constitutional right for women in the right to privacy which the Supreme Court had created only a few years earlier. That right to privacy was "broad enough to encompass a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy." On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court set all laws in every state that in any way had protected the lives of developing unborn children. It legalized abortion in all 50 states, for the full nine months of pregnancy, for social and economic reasons. That case was one of the most important and devastating Supreme Court decisions.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Stem Cell Research

After the debate on Stem Cell Research I have come to the conclusion that being able to take these “unspecialized” cells and have them become a more differentiated cell type within the body, such as skin cell, muscle cell, or a nerve cell to replace or even heal damaged tissues and cells in the body is something that could be potentially a good idea. The purpose of the cells is to serve as a “built-in repair system” for the human body. However, I do not agree with having to take a human embryo 5 to 7 days old and destruct it, because I feel that is immoral and like many other people I believe that life begins at conception, but this research is done with hopes of treating Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other illnesses. Even though no therapies in humans have ever been successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells, so why haven’t researchers pursued a “non embryo harming path? On the other hand, you also have the adult stem cells, which are primarily to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. Researchers have found that it is difficult in obtaining a large number and that these adult cells do not live as long as the embryonic cell and is more difficult in trying to reprogram to form other tissue types. /I consider stem cell research to be done only for the right purposes so that way money is not wasted and the embryos are used in order to treat certain illnesses.